Housing Authority of the City of Dothan Public Hearing
The Housing Authority of the City of Dothan (DHA) will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at the new headquarters for the housing authority, the Our Community Housing & Enrichment Center (OCHEC), located at 1001 Montana Street Dothan, AL 36303 (former Montana Street Magnet School).
Light Refreshments will be served.
The Public Hearing will be broadcasted live on ZOOM for individuals who cannot make it in person:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 883-098-6433
Passcode: 834957
The Public Hearing is used to solicit public comments on the agency’s Draft FY2024 Annual Plan, Draft FY2024 MTW Supplement Plan, and Draft Revision #4 to FY2020-2024 5-Year Plan. Comments related to the Draft FY2024 Annual Plan, Draft FY2024 MTW Supplement Plan, and Draft Revision #4 to FY2020-2024 5-Year Plan may be submitted during the Public Hearing. Revision #4 to the FY2020-2024 Five-Year Plan is based on the significant amendment process for DHA.
The PHA’s participation in the expansion of the MTW demonstration shall be governed by the MTW Operations Notice for the Expansion of the MTW Demonstration as it is issued as it is and may be amended in the future, or any successor notice issued by HUD, (“the MTW Operations Notice”). DHA will continue to implement the Cohort #3 Moving to Work (MTW): Landlord Incentives Program during the period of the FY 2024 Annual Plan and Revision #4 to the FY 2020-2024 Five-Year Plan.
DHA was granted flexibility and authority to develop policies in accordance with Moving to Work (MTW) for Expansion Agencies Operations Notice (Federal Register/ Vol. 85, NO. 168) FR/5994-N-05 outside the limitations of specific HUD regulations and provisions. The DHA was selected under the MTW Expansion, Cohort #3, Landlord Incentives, in FY2022.
In addition to statutory and regulatory relief, MTW agencies have the flexibility to apply “fungibility” among three core funding programs’ funding streams -public housing Operating Funds, public housing Capital Funds, and HCV assistance (to include both HAP and Administrative Fees) -hereinafter referred to as “MTW Funding.”
DHA has the flexibility to apply fungibility among its public housing Operating Fund, public housing Capital Fund, HCV HAP, and Administrative Fee assistance. Therefore, DHA plans to utilize its fungibility and shift all of its remaining public housing Capital and Operating Funds according to its SVC and transfer them to its HCV program based on the closeout of its public housing program. The line item will reflect “MTW Funding” for public housing Capital and Operating Funds within the HUD systems.
Written comments may be mailed to the Housing Authority of the City of Dothan, Attn: Draft FY2024 Annual Plan, Draft FY2024 MTW Supplement Plan, and Draft Revision #4 to FY2020-2024 5-Year Plan, c/o Dr. Michael C. Threatt, COO, 1001 Montana St. Dothan, AL 36301.
The draft plans will be available for public review on the DHA’s website under agency plans at https://www.dothanhousing.org/upages.php?id=68. The public review and comment period begins on November 1, 2023, and ends on December 15, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. CST. Comments received after 5:00 p.m. CST on December 15, 2023, will not be accepted or considered. Any citizen with a physical impairment or other special needs may contact the Special Assistant to the COO, Jennifer Mays, at (334)794-6713 Ext. 108 for special assistance.
If you have questions or require additional information, please Leah Gunn, Communications Coordinator, at (334) 794-6713 or visit https://www.dothanhousing.org/contact.
Samuel P. Crawford, CEO