Landlords FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

The HCV (Section 8) Property Listing Form is available to download, or you can pick up a copy of the form located in the main lobby of our offices.

Verify that the individual has a voucher by requesting a copy of the voucher. Screen families who apply. Consider family background factors such as rent and bill-paying history, history of caring for the property, respecting the rights of others to peaceful enjoyment of the property, compliance with essential conditions of tenancy, and whether the family is engaging in drug-related criminal activity or other criminal activity that might threaten others.

As a landlord, you have the following responsibilities:

  • Screen families who apply for tenancy, to determine if they will be good renters.
  • Comply with the terms of the Housing Assistance Payment Contract, executed with the PHA.
  • Conduct normal landlord functions during the term of the lease.
  • Comply with all applicable fair housing laws and discriminate against no one.
  • Maintain the housing unit by making necessary repairs promptly.
  • Must adhere to provisions on modifications to a dwelling unit occupied or to be occupied by a person (s) with disabilities.
  • May not lease the property to a relative (parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother) of any member of the assisted family unless approved by PHA for handicap accessibility.
  • The lease may not require more than sixty (60) days moving notice from the tenant.
  • Collect rent due from the assisted family and otherwise comply with and enforce provisions of the dwelling lease.
  • A security deposit cannot exceed the amount charged to unassisted tenants.
  • Payment for owner-supplied utilities and services.

Effective February 1, 2022, HAP payments will be cut once (1) a month, at the beginning of the month. Provided the participant remains in good standing with the program and the unit continues to meet HUD Housing Quality Standards.

All owners are required to sign up for Automatic Clearing House (ACH) Direct Deposit. The conversion to ACH Direct Deposit will benefit the Landlords/Property Owners to verify timely payments via bank account and access to our online portal.

The owner states the contract rent for the property. The PHA will determine if the requested rent amount by the owner is reasonable. It must not exceed the rent charged for comparable, unassisted units in the same market area.

Dothan Housing is the only PHA in Alabama with a Landlord Liaison, the landlord liaison will provide personal and direct customer service to our valued landlord partners.

Landlord Liaison, Jordon Bonner

Email:[email protected]

Phone: 334-589-0769

Persons with disabilities may request a reasonable accommodation in order to have equal access to the HCV program. A reasonable accommodation is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service.