Becoming a Landlord

Wiregrass Regional Voucher Logo


  • Complete the Rental Unit information Sheet on our website, https://www.dothonhous, to determine estimated market rent and rent reasonableness. Submit via email to Landlord Liaison at [email protected]

  • Start screening and select a suitable tenant that is a voucher holder". Please note our agency does not make direct referrals.

  • Complete the voucher holder". Please note our agency does not make direct referrals. Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) and submit a copy of the proposed lease. The voucher holder will provide the RFTA.

  • Once our office approves the RFT A, we will reach out to schedule a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection for the rental property. Prepare for the inspection by viewing our pre-inspection checklist, available on our website, along with the most common-tailed items.

  • Once you have passed your HQS Inspection, you can proceed with signing the lease agreement with your tenant and your Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract with WRVP.

  • It's official, We are partners! As a private landlord, we pride ourselves in being transparent with our owners. make sure you have received your personalized six-digit PIN to setup access to our Assistance Connect online portal.

  • Maintain a progressive relationship with Dothan Housing and the Wiregrass Regional Voucher Program ( WRVP) by attending training opportunities, seminars, and workshops to assist in the growth of your business and HCV /HUD comprehension. For additional questions and inquiries. contact Landlord Liaison Jordon Bonner at Jbonner@) or by phone at 334-589-0769.

About Your Lease Agreement:

  • Landlords use their own lease agreement and the same screening criteria that apply to any other applicants and tenants.
  • Tendency Addendum is part of the HAP contract and lease. This form can be found under landlord forms.
  • The lease should not be signed and dated until after Dothan Housing’s approval.

Documents Needed:

Dothan Housing is required by HUD to confirm that housing assistance payments are issued to the legal owner or a legal representative of the owner. To comply with these requirements the Housing Authority will request specific information on page three (3) of the property registration packet prior to approval of a HAP contract on a unit:

Inspection Process:

The dwelling unit must pass the program’s housing quality standards and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments.

Landlord Incentives:

DH has launched our Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Landlord Campaign. Landlords who meet the required criteria are eligible for landlord incentives.

***Please note: Transfer of current Section 8 HCV Participants are not eligible.***

Attracting Recruiting Retaining Landlords in the Wiregrass area logo