Kinsey Cove Groundbreaking Ceremony

Kinsey Cove Groundbreaking Ceremony Take a look at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kinsey Cove Development now operated by Gateway Management Company.
Community Forum 2022

Community Forum 2022 Dothan Housing has its second community forum for Houston County Commissioner Candidates.
Community Partner Aunt Katie’s Garden

Community Partner Aunt Katie’s Garden Dothan Housing executive team members attend the Aunt Katie’s Garden ribbon cutting.
PHADA Scholarship Recipient Returns

PHADA Scholarship Recipient Returns Dothan Housing welcomes back PHADA Scholar for a surprise reception.
May Movie Nights 2022

May Movie Nights 2022 A Community Partner sponsored event. Dothan Housing partnered with B and V Inflatables to bring an outdoor movie experience to its housing communities.
Dothan Housing RAD PBV Ribbon Cutting

Dothan Housing RAD PBV Ribbon Cutting Dothan Housing proudly completed its RAD PBV site improvements! To mark this notable accomplishment the housing agency partnered with Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce to have a Ribbon Cutting. The event took place at Henry Green Apartments and site improvements included playgrounds, BBQ grills, gazebos, and new dumpster enclosures!
AAHRA Conference

AAHRA Conference Dothan Housing attends the 2022 Alabama Association of Housing and Re-develpement Authorities conference in Gulf Shores, AL! Staff participated alongside fellow industry professionals in receiving conference updates, learning new and existing HUD protocols, trainings, and more! This year DOthan Housing took home 4 AAHRA awards covering Best Publication of the Year, Best Website […]
Landlord Rental Fair

Landlord Rental Fair Housing Choice Voucher holders, landlords, and community partners connect at the annual Rental Fair!
Employee Appreciation

Employee Appreciation Dothan Housing commemorates a successful year with its annual Employee Appreciation event.
Inaugural Our Purpose Gala

Inaugural Our Purpose Gala Dothan Housing honors agency commissioners, community partners, and unveils the Susan Morrison Scholarship Gala!