HCV and PBV Walk-In Information

WHO: Applicants who receive a letter or email exchange from the WRVP office.
RE: HCV or PBV Updates
Walk-In office hours are now available for HCV and PBV applicants who receive updates via email or written letter from the Wiregrass Regional Voucher Program Office.
*Any adult person who will live in the unit must come inside the office as well.
WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays
TIME: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM & 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Driver’s License or State Picture ID
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Income (if applicable)
- Social Security Award Letter (if applicable)
- Child Support Court Document (if applicable)
IMPORTANT: If any documentation is missing, the applicant will be asked to return the next walk-in day with all the required documentation.