Moving to Work Landlord Incentives Resident/Participant Meeting #2
Moving to Work (MTW) Landlord Incentives Cohort #4 Plan & Application Package
Resident/ Participant Meeting #2
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Time: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Meeting ID: 827.3441.4672
Passcode: 844616
Available In-Person & On Zoom
Location: Henry Green Community Room
602 South Lena Street. Dothan, AL 36301
Discuss Dothan Housing’s intent to apply for the MTW Demonstration program by attending a public meeting to notify residents/ participants.
Give resident/ participant input on the MTW Landlord Incentives Plan.
Discuss how the MTW Landlord Incentives Plan will increase resident/ participant housing choices.
Discuss how the MTW Landlord Incentives Plan will lead to greater economic self-sufficiency for residents/ participants.
Give input on the Dothan Mobility Program and Ready to Rent Workshops.
Discuss ways to improve and streamline the HCVP (formerly Section 8) through cost-effective approaches and technology.
For More Questions:
Contact Dr. Michael C. Threatt, Chief Operating Officer
Phone: 334.794.6713